Upcoming Events:

April 30, 2025

Registration NOW OPEN

2025 Bankers Forum


September 11-12, 2025

113th NMBA Covention

Details Coming SOON!



NMBA Partners:


Kyle Averette - Inside Sales Account Manager - ODP Business Solutions |  LinkedIn




Bank History

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New Mexico BankPAC

New Mexico BankPAC is the New Mexico banking industry's political action committee. It allows members of the banking profession to take a more active and organized role in government affairs. Essentially, participation in BankPAC represents professional interest in maintaining a fair, competitive atmosphere within the financial services industry; commitment to a high standard of banking in New Mexico and interest in fostering an ongoing dialogue between banking and public policy makers.

Click here to view NMBA BankPAC Video

New Mexico BankPAC also serves as a forum for educating NMBA members about state and national political activities affecting the banking industry and provides an effective way for members to become politically involved.




©2011 New Mexico Bankers Association

316 Osuna NE, Suite 502
Albuquerque, NM 87107
Phone: (505) 822-7900
Fax: (505) 822-8345

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